Our Services

Services for non-profits

Whether you are just starting or a seasoned organization, Futureful can help you tap your intrinsic potential to realize your sustainable future.


Dream it.

If you are a new non-profit or simply looking to start out, we can advise you on how to get started for long-term success.

Build it.

If you are a new or existing nonprofit, we can help you plan and build your team inline with organization health best practices.

Grow it.

We help seasoned organizations with fundraising and marketing strategies to create long-term sustainability and growth.

Grant Writing & Fundraising Package


We work with your team to facilitate and create fundraising tools and processes to expand your capital campaigns. This includes establishing a grants management process with a grants calendar. Additionally, we help you envision and create corporate sponsorship packages and grant application materials to use as the building blocks for your successful grants applications.

Organizational Health Assessment


With the Organizational Health Assessment, our team focuses on your organization’s long-term health and planning. This includes reviewing existing marketing and branding materials, as well as financial systems (accounting systems, budget management, information flow, finance committee, and fundraising management). Additionally, we will coordinate and facilitate a board retreat. This work will culminate in the creation and delivery of a mini-strategic plan, where staff interviews and board surveys are summarized.

Resource Development Plan


With this plan, we work together to identify and prioritize the most important next steps for your organization to take to ensure long-term success. This includes identifying gaps and areas of opportunity and exhaustion. We analyze your past three years of fundraising data and provide insights for new prospects. Finally, we work with you to set goals, prioritizing and ranking your most critical needs, which includes the acquisition of 12 new prospects.

Performance Improvement


With this package, we review your grant applications and provide recommendations on how to strengthen your proposals. Additionally, we schedule and facilitate bi-weekly coaching and monthly resource development calls to ensure you stay on track. Finally, we will assess and recommend training and education for your team.